Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rollin', rollin', rollin' ...

There is a point in a FS move to post-a.k.a. PCSing or permanent change of stationing-when the ball starts rolling, and you, your family, and your 18 suitcases start rolling along with it.

That doesn't mean that there aren't bumps. For example, due to the particulars of our move and pet shipping we had to leave our dogs in a boarding facility for the first time. This is a good facility, but accidents happen, and on Sunday morning poor Grace was attacked through the fence by the dog next door. Her big floppy dachshund ear was injured. Of course we wanted to rush back to DC and rescue her, but the ball is rolling, so we can't.

Now Grace is getting extra special treatment and a bed in the kitchen surrounded by humans, while Julie hangs out in their run by herself. Grace will arrive in Manila with stitches, but I'm sure she will heal. We will be very glad to have them back with us.

And once the pack out ball starts rolling, you can't stop it, even if the movers are five hours late and don't leave your apartment until 10 pm. It's always interesting to see what we misdirect. In FL I managed to include my wedding dress in our shipment to Manila, this time it was just a bike tire pump that was left out, which our friends were happy to inherit. Perhaps my dress can be altered for a marine ball, and I'm sure they sell tire pumps in Manila.

We're rolling on out of the US, and my next blog post will be from Manila! Today I'm writing from an iPad with 3G--hopefully we'll have internet access soon after we arrive. To our friends and family in the US, skype often and we'll be back on R & R before we know it. To our friends in Manila, thank you for all your help and see you soon!

P.S. Sorry for any misunderstanding, but Grace's ear is not damaged beyond repair--it just has an inch long gash, which is reported to be healing nicely. She's also enjoying all the special attention she's getting at the kennel!


  1. Oh no! Poor Grace! I'm wishing her a speedy recovery!

  2. Thank you! And apparently Grace is LOVING the special treatment she's getting.

  3. I hope Grace gets better soon!

    It’s Friday, and that means that the Weekly State Department Blog Roundup is up – and you’re on it!

    Here is the link:

    (If I quoted your text or used your photo(s) and you would rather I had not, please let me know. Please also be sure to check the link(s) that I put up to you, in order to verify that they work properly. If you would rather that I had not referenced you, and/or do not want me to reference you in the future, please also contact me.)

  4. i've linked to you and look forward to reading about a post I've fallen in love with through FS blogs...safe travels and hope Grace is ok.


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